Parent's Zone

Program AgeFull Time
TuitionAGFParent Portion
Infants (Less than 12 Months)$1,400$883$517
Infants (12 Months to 19 Months)$1,300$883$417
Toddlers (19months to less than 3 years)$1,300$709$591
Preschoolers (3 years to less than 4 years)$1,250$626$624
Kinders ( 4 years to not yet attending kindergarten)$1,250$626$624
Program AgePart Time (50+ Hours)
FeesTuitionAGFParent Portion
Infants (Less than 12 Months)$840$318$523
Infants (12 Months to 19 Months)$780$318$463
Toddlers (19months to less than 3 years)$780$255$525
Preschoolers (3 years to less than 4 years)$750$225$525
Kinders ( 4 years to not yet attending kindergarten)$750$225$525
Early Bird Registration Discount

We are waiving the parent portion of one month´s fee  for the first few registrants in each age group.

Call us or visit us to know more about the promotions and check us out.
